Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Soup to Nuts "Liberals Hate God"

Think Progress has a really good article about GOP Rep Todd Akin. Mr. Akin believes Liberals have a hatred for God. Here's the link: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/06/24/253711/akin-liberalism-god/

"Well, I think NBC has a long record of being very liberal and at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God. And so they’ve had a long history of not being at all favorable toward many of things that have been such a blessing to our country…This is a systematic effort to try to separate our faith and God, which is a source in our belief in individual liberties, from our country. And when you do that you tear the heart out of our country."

I would like to tell Mr. Akin one thing. You can't hate something that doesn't exist!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Soup to Nuts "Climate Change Denier"

It seems Minnesota State Senator Michael Jungbauer makes a lot of claims about Climate Change. He is a self described Climate Change denier, in fact he says he is the biggest Climate Change denier in Minnesota. Jungbauer makes a lot of claims, like he has a bachelor's degree from the Moody Bible Institute. In biochemistry no less. Oh yea, he is also working on his Master Degree in environmental policy at Metropolitan State University. Pretty cool. Except it apperars that none of this is true. Tim McDonnell from Mother Jones has a really good article on Minnesota State Senator Michael Jungbauer. Check out the article at this link.